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what am i feeling help?

7th March 2010

what am i feeling help?

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Im real confused right now and just wanted some advice from you guys….

I graduated high school last year and have gone off to college far away from home. During my last 2 years of high school me and this girl got really close. It was weird nothing sexual / romantic at all we were and are like best friends. It was cool to have a girl to talk to about stuff that wasnt my girlfriend.

A month before we both went off to college she got involved with this guy back home which was fine he was cool. So we went off to different colleges pretty far from home with her doing the long disance thing with the guy back home.

That kinda messed up her first term at college as she was missing him loads. Because im just a stupid boy i got a little jealous protective but kept it to myself and got over it with a pretty short fling with someone at my new college. But now they have decided to go on a break a few weeks ago because the long distance just wasnt working. We are all coming back home soon for easter she said she wants to back together as everyone returns from college for a month.

I am really confused because i cant get her out of my head. We talk on aim lots and we are still good friends. I tell her my problems and she tells me hers and we laugh and joke. But i still find myself thinking about her and the conversations we have during the day randomly. Its crazy because i know i dont want a long distance relationship it would not work and would destroy up our friendship and make us unhappy. Which i why i dont understand the emotions i am feeling. help


The part that i really dont get it that while we were at high school everyone thought we were in a relationship. She is not the type of girl i would normally go for either. There are girls that i kinda like in my classes and i know feel the same. But i still find myself thinking of her. Not sure if i just care for her as a sister and dont want her to get hurt?

There are currently 3 responses to “what am i feeling help?”

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  1. 1 On March 7th, 2010, Candy L said:

    Youve got a schoolboy crush I would recomend you to start hanging out with her a bit more. If the feeling doesnt leave go ahead ask her out. You cant deny it any longer YOU ADMIRE HER

    Maybe your made for each other Experiment with your feelings and see.

    Dont be shy
    Good luck

  2. 2 On March 7th, 2010, Dudesun52 said:

    u r in love wit her but you dont want to tell her and probably mess up ur guys friendship and on the other hand you dont want to have a long distance relationship

  3. 3 On March 7th, 2010, Jon said:

    Well I understand your dilemma both as a college student and as someone who has a close Guy Friend. I think you have answered your own question. If you dont think you can handle a long distance relationship then dont try to force something that may not work for the both of you. If you think telling her your real feelings for her then go for it and see what may grow from it. I understand that you may be scared to loose her as a friend if you tell her your true feelings about her or if it didnt work out but you must weigh your options carefully before making your choice. Honestly it is my belief unless you grow up with someone the GirlGuy friend relationship usually will end up with one liking the other more than just friends. Good luck.

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